반응형 분류 전체보기470 가구 - 최근에 구입한 가구 (묘사) 가구 - 최근에 구입한 가구 (묘사) Question Can you tell me about a piece of furniture you bought recently? What is it? Where did you buy it? 최근에 구입한 가구 하나에 대해 말해주세요. 무엇인가요? 어디서 구매했나요? Answer About 3 months ago, I bought a couch. It's leather. I love the couch because it's big and comfortable. I bought it at the EKEA near my house. It was an expensive couch. I paid about $1000 for it. + After I bought this co.. 2023. 6. 7. 가구 - 가장 좋아하는 가구 (묘사) 가구 - 가장 좋아하는 가구 (묘사) Question Tell me about your favorite furniture in your house. What does it look like? What do you like about furniture? 집에 있는 가구 중 당신이 가장 좋아하는 가구에 대해 말해주세요. 그것은 어떻게 생겼나요? 그 가구의 어떤 점이 좋나요? Answer I have many kinds of furniture in my house. Among them, my favorite is queen size bad. It has comfy and cozy matress. So I can get some rest and relax on it. + Plus, I can do almost .. 2023. 6. 6. 지형 - 지형 관련 기억에 남는 에피소드 (경험) 지형 - 지형 관련 기억에 남는 에피소드 (경험) Question Tell me about a special landscape you have seen in your sountry. When was it? What did you do there? 당신 나라에서 특별한 지형을 본 것에 대해 말해주세요. 언제였나요? 거기서 무엇을 했나요? Answer About 5 months ago, I went to Jeju with my family. I went to Hanla mountain and went hiking. It's one of the biggest mountains in Korea. It's my favorite mountain because it's beautiful. + The landscape.. 2023. 6. 5. 지형 - 지형 관련 우리나라 사람들이 주로 하는 일 (루틴) 지형 - 지형 관련 우리나라 사람들이 주로 하는 일 (루틴) Question Tell me about the activities that the people in your country do using the geographical features. 당신 나라의 사람들이 지리의 특징을 이용해서 하는 활동들에 대해 말해주세요. Answer There are many mountains, so people go hiking. It's one of the most popular activities in Korea. There are many rivers, so people go fishing. + I want to go on a trip to beatiful ocean when I take a vacation... 2023. 6. 2. 지형 - 우리 나라의 지형 (묘사) 지형 - 우리 나라의 지형 (묘사) Question Could you tell me about your country's geography? Are there many mountains, rivers, or other landforms in your country? Tell me about the layout of your county's land in detail. 한국 지형에 대해 말해 줄 수 있습니까? 당신의 나라에 산이나 강이나 다른 지형의 형태가 있습니까? 당신의 나라 땅의 배치에 대해 자세히 말해주세요. Answer There are many mountains and rivers. You can see also many hills and lakes in Korea. Korea has a lot.. 2023. 6. 1. 술집 - 술집에서 있었던 에피소드 (경험) 술집 - 술집에서 있었던 에피소드 (경험) Question Have you had a memorable experience at a bar? What happend and why was it so memorable? 술집에서 기억에 남는 경험이 있나요? 무슨 일이 일어났나요? 그리고 왜 유독 그 일이 기억에 남나요? Answer About 6 months ago, I went to IZAKAYA with my friends. We had some food with drinks. I was really happy with my friends that day. Because it was my birth day actually. + So I drank too much that day. I totally bla.. 2023. 5. 31. 술집 - 술집에 가면 주로 하는 일 (루틴) 술집 - 술집에 가면 주로 하는 일 (루틴) Question Why do you like going to bars? Who do you usually go with? When you go, what do you usually drink there? 당신은 술집에 왜 가나요? 주로 누구와 함께 가나요? 언제 주로 가고, 무엇을 마시나요? Answer I often go to a bar with my friends because it's fun. We usually drink beer. We all like drinking beer while doing a lot of catching up. + Sometimes we take pictures together. And we post them up on our.. 2023. 5. 30. 술집 - 가장 좋아하는 장소 (묘사) 술집 - 자주 가는 술집 (묘사) Question Please describe the bar you often go to. What does it look like? 당신이 자주 가는 바에 대해 묘사해주세요. 그곳은 어떻게 생겼나요? Answer I usually go to the Japanese pub near my house. It's one of the biggest pubs in my town. There are many tables and chairs. + They serve many kinds of side dishes and drinks. Staff are very kind and friendly there. And that place is so instagrammable. So many y.. 2023. 5. 29. 이전 1 ··· 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ··· 59 다음 반응형