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국내여행 - 추억에 남는 여행 (경험) 국내여행 - 추억에 남는 여행 (경험) Question Tell me about one memorable travel experience you had. Where did you go? What made the experience so memorable? 추억에 남는 여행에 대해 말해주세요. 어디 가셨죠? 왜 그 경험이 유독 기억에 남나요? Answer Several months ago, I went to 속초 with my family. We stayed at the beachside hotel. And we enjoyed many water sports and fresh seafood there. + I was really happy with people I love. Plus, ocean view .. 2023. 5. 11.
국내여행 - 여행을 가기 위해 준비하는 것들 (루틴) 국내여행 - 여행을 가기 위해 준비하는 것들 (루틴) Question Before you travel, what do you usually prepare for your trip? What things do you bring? What do you usually take with you? 당신은 여행 가기 전에 어떤 것들을 준비하나요? 무엇을 가져가나요? 어떤 것들을 챙기나요? Answer I usually bring my toothbrush, a towel and extra clothes. I also bring selfie stick and camera. I have a nice camera. It's light and durable. + I enjoy taking pictures when I go .. 2023. 5. 10.
국내여행 - 가장 좋아하는 장소 (묘사) 국내여행 - 가장 좋아하는 장소 (묘사) Question You indicated in the survey that you enjoy traveling in your own country. What is your favorite location and why do you like the place? 당신은 설문에서 국내여행을 좋아한다고 했어요. 당신이 가장 좋아하는 장소는 어디고 그곳을 좋아하는 이유는 무엇인가요? Answer I usually go to Busan with my family. It's my favorite city because it's beautiful. There is a seafood market and beautiful beaches. + So I can enjoy fresh s.. 2023. 5. 9.
해외여행 - 당신이 방문했던 도시나 나라 (묘사) 해외여행 - 당신이 방문했던 도시나 나라 (묘사) Question You indicated in the survey that you take trips overseas. Please tell me about a city or country that you have visited. What was that place like? 당신은 설문에서 해외여행을 좋아한다고 했죠. 당신이 방문한 곳 중 한 도시나 나라에 대해 얘기해 주세요. 그곳은 어땠나요? Answer I usually go to 오사카 with my friends. It's my favorite city in Japan because there are so many tasty food. So many Korea people go on a trip.. 2023. 5. 8.
음악 - 과거와 현재의 음악 취향 변화 (비교) 음악 - 과거와 현재의 음악 취향 변화 (비교) Question How has your taste in music changed over the years? What kind of music did you listen to when you were a child? 지난 시간 동안 당신의 음악 취향은 어떻게 변했나요? 어렸을 땐 어떤 종류의 음악을 들었나요? Answer When I was young, I didn't like Jazz and Classic music. Because I thought those kinds of music are little boring. I loved OST of dramas. + But now, I'm not that picky with music. So I just l.. 2023. 5. 5.
음악 - 보통 언제, 어디서 음악을 듣나요? (루틴) 음악 - 보통 언제, 어디서 음악을 듣나요? (루틴) Question When and where do you usually listen to music? Do you listen to the radio or do you go to concerts? 보통 언제, 어디서 음악을 듣나요? 라디오를 듣거나 혹은 콘서트에 가나요? Answer I usually listen to music whenever I want to. For example, when I'm studying at the coffee shops, I listen to R&B music. Because R&B music helps me to concentrate on something. + On the other hand,When I feel b.. 2023. 5. 4.
음악 - 좋아하는 음악 종류, 좋아하는 가수 (묘사) 음악 - 좋아하는 음악 종류, 좋아하는 가수 (묘사) Question You indicated that you enjoy listening to music. What kind of music do you like? Who is your favorite musician? 음악 듣는 것을 즐긴다고 선택했죠? 어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아하나요? 가장 좋아하는 뮤지션은 누구인가요? Answer I like all kinds of music. I especially like K-pop. So I listen to K-pop pretty often these days. And my favorite singer is 아이유. + She is so adorable. She has unique voice. Plus, I l.. 2023. 5. 3.
대중교통 - 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움 (경험) 대중교통 - 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움 (경험) Question Sometimes riding the subway or bus can be uncomfortable. Have you ever had any problems while taking public transportation? 가끔씩은 전철이나 버스 타는 것이 불편할 수 있어요. 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움이 있나요? Answer It was long time ago. I don't remember much. I took a bus in SEOUL. I think the bus driver was driving so fast that the bus had an accident. Luckily no one got hurt becau.. 2023. 5. 2.