반응형 〓 IL, IM 〓/[선택 주제] (IL~IM) 오픽 스크립트24 콘서트 - 가장 추억에 남는 콘서트 (경험) 콘서트 - 가장 추억에 남는 콘서트 (경험) Question Tell me about the most memorable concert you've been to. When was it held? Who was the performer? 당신의 가장 추억에 남는 콘서트에 대해 말해주세요. 언제 얼렸나요? 누가 공연했나요? Answer About 4 months ago, I saw Psy's concert. At the concert, Psy sang Gangnam Style. We all sang along the song together. We had a great time. + So many fans there were screaming throughout the concert. I got goose .. 2023. 6. 21. 콘서트 - 콘서트를 가면 공연 전후로 주로 뭘 하나요? (루틴) 콘서트 - 콘서트를 가면 공연 전후로 주로 뭘 하나요? (루틴) Question What do you usually do when you go to a concert? Tell me what you do before and after going to a concert. 콘서트에 가면 주로 뭘하나요? 콘서트 보기 전후로 하는 일에 대해 말해주세요. Answer I usually go to the Suwon Arts Center. I've been going there for 10 years. Before leaving, I buy tickets on the internet. I also go to the bathroom. At the concert hall, I always buy drinks. After.. 2023. 6. 20. 콘서트 - 좋아하는 콘서트 종류 (묘사) 콘서트 - 좋아하는 콘서트 종류 (묘사) Question What kind of concerts do you like to go to? Why do you like them? 좋아하는 콘서트 종류가 뭔가요? 왜 좋아하나요? Answer I like all kinds of concerts. I especially like rock concerts. My favorite singer is Psy. I love his concerts because they are always fun. + He is one of the well-known artists in the world. His dancing and performance is best ever. 나는 모든 종류의 콘서트를 다 좋아해요. 특히 롹 콘서트를 .. 2023. 6. 19. 영화/공연 - 추억에 남는 공연이나 연극 (경험) 영화/공연 - 추억에 남는 공연이나 연극 (경험) Question Tell me about a memorable performance or a play you've seen. What was it about? 추억에 남는 공연이나 연극에 대해 말해주세요. 어떤 내용이었나요? Answer About 4 months ago I watched Yeokrin, a Korean musical. It was about an assassination attempt on King Jeongjo. It's based on a true story and I really enjoyed watching it. King Jeangjo was one of the most ppopular kings in Korean history.. 2023. 6. 16. 영화/공연 - 공연에 관심 갖게 된 계기, 취향 변화 (비교) 영화/공연 - 공연에 관심 갖게 된 계기, 취향 변화 (비교) Question How did you first become interested in watching performances? How has your taste in performances changed over the years? 당신이 공연에 관심을 갖게 된 계기가 뭔가요? 당신의 공연 취향은 시간이 흐르면서 어떻게 바뀌었나요? Answer My mother taught me how to appreciate musicals when I was little. She was a school teacher at that time. She taught me very well, so I had a lot of fun learning about th.. 2023. 6. 15. 영화/공연 - 자주 가는 극장, 공연장 (묘사) 영화/공연 - 자주 가는 극장, 공연장 (묘사) Question Describe the theater or auditorium you often go to. Where is it? What does it look like? 자주 가는 그장이나 공연장을 묘사해 주세요. 어디에 있나요? 어떻게 생겼어요? Answer I often go to the Suwon Arts Center. It's near my house. It's one of the biggest theaters in my area. It's big and covenient. There is a big parking lot and a nice bathroom there. + To tell you the truth, I'm a regurlar th.. 2023. 6. 14. 영화/공연 - 가장 기억에 남는 영화 (경험) 영화/공연 - 가장 기억에 남는 영화 (경험) Question Tell me about the most memorable movie you've seen. What was it about? How did you feel when watching it? 당신이 본 것 중 가장 추억에 남는 영화에 대해 말해주세요. 그것은 어떤 내용이었죠? 당신은 그것을 볼 때 느낌이 어땠어요? Answer About 4 months ago, I watched Squid game. It was about bettle game for winning money. Jeong-jae Lee was starred in that movie. He was really gook-looking and acting very well. + Re.. 2023. 6. 13. 영화/공연 - 극장 가기 전, 후에 하는 일 (루틴) 영화/공연 - 극장 가기 전, 후에 하는 일 (루틴) Question What do you typically do when you go to see a movie? Describe what you do before and after going to the movies. 영화보러 가면 주로 무엇을 하나요? 극장 가기 전후에 주로 하는 일에 대해서 설명해 주세요. Answer Before leaving, we go to the bathroom. At the theater, we always buy drinks. After watching, we usually eat something. Sometimes we drink beer. + I normally go to see a movie on weekends. .. 2023. 6. 12. 이전 1 2 3 다음 반응형