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카페/커피숍 - 마지막으로 갔던 카페 기억 (경험) 카페/커피숍 - 마지막으로 갔던 카페 기억 (경험) Question What was the last cafe you drank at? What did you have there? Who did you go there with? 마지막으로 갔던 카페가 어디였나요? 그곳에서 무엇을 했나요? 누구랑 같이 갔었나요? Answer About 6 months ago, I went to Coffee Bean with my friends. We drank coffee with some bagels We did a lot of catching up. + We spent quality time together that day. Actually Coffee bean is one of our hangouts. So we no.. 2023. 5. 26.
카페/커피숍 - 커피숍에 가면 주로 하는 일 (루틴) 카페/커피숍 - 커피숍에 가면 주로 하는 일 (루틴) Question Why do you like going to cafes? Who do you usually go with? When you go, what do you usually do there? 카페에 가는 것을 좋아하는 이유가 뭔가요? 보통 누구랑 가나요? 그곳에서 주로 뭘 하나요? Answer I often go to a cafe with my friends to hang out. I usually drink Ice Americano. We all like drinking coffee while talking about many things. + Sometimes we take pictures there. And I post them up o.. 2023. 5. 25.
카페/커피숍 - 우리나라의 커피숍 (묘사) 카페/커피숍 - 우리나라의 커피숍 (묘사) Question Tell me about cafes or coffee houses in your country. What do they look like? 당신의 나라에 있는 카페나 커피하우스에 대해 말해주세요. 어떻게 생겼나요? Answer There are a lot of western-style cafes in Korea. You can see many coffee shops all over the place. These days, most coffee places are big coffee chains such as 스타벅스, 투썸플레이스, 할리스커피. + Among them, I love Mega coffee especially. Because they.. 2023. 5. 24.
날씨 - 날씨와 관련된 에피소드 (경험) 날씨 - 날씨와 관련된 에피소드 (경험) Question Have you ever experienced something memorable because of the weather? Please explain what happened and why it was memorable. Give me as many details as possible. 날씨 때문에 생긴 기억에 남는 경험이 있나요? 어떤 일이 있었고 왜 그것이 추억에 남는지 설명해 주세요. 최대한 자세하게 얘기해 주세요. Answer About 3 months ago, I went to Jeju with my family. We went to the beach and swam. Suddenly it rained. We had to go back .. 2023. 5. 23.
날씨 - 오늘(최근)의 날씨 (묘사) 날씨 - 오늘(최근)의 날씨 (묘사) Question What is the weather like today? Is it hot or cold? Provide as many details as possible. 오늘(요즘) 날씨 어때요? 덥나요 아니면 춥나요? 자세하게 묘사해 주세요. Answer 봄/가을 It's spring(fall) in Korea, so it's warm and nice. It is a bit cold in the morning, but it's hot during the day. Right now, it's sunny and windy. It's my favorite weather because we can do many outdoor activities. 지금 한국은 봄(가을).. 2023. 5. 22.
날씨 - 우리 나라의 날씨 (묘사) 날씨 - 우리 나라의 날씨 (묘사) Question Can you tell me about the seasons in your country? What's the weather like in each season? 당신의 나라는 계절이 어떤지 말해주세요. 각각 계절의 날씨는 어떤가요? Answer We have four distinct seasons in Korea such as spring, summer, fall and winter.In spring, it's warm and nice.In summer, It's hot and humid.In winter, it's cold and dry + Among them, my favorite is fall. In fall, it's a bit chilly a.. 2023. 5. 19.
인터넷 - 인터넷의 과거와 현재 (비교) 인터넷 - 인터넷의 과거와 현재 (비교) Question Please compare the Internet between the past and the present. Which things have changed over the times? 인터넷의 옛날과 지금을 비교해 보세요. 지난 시간동안 어떤 것들이 바뀌었나요? Answer When I was young, there were not many kinds of websites. But now, there are many kinds of them. So I can do many things through the Internet. In Korea, there are a lot of websites such as game websites and shopp.. 2023. 5. 18.
인터넷 - 처음으로 인터넷 사용했던 것 (경험) 인터넷 - 처음으로 인터넷 사용했던 것 (경험) Question When did you first use the Internet? What did you do at that time? What was your first impression while surfing the Internet? 언제 처음으로 인터넷을 사용했나요? 그 당시엔 무엇을 했나요? 인터넷을 처음 사용해보고 어떤 인상을 받았나요? Answer It was a long time ago.I don't remember much. But I think I first used the Internet when I was 10 or 11 at my friend's house. It was very slow, but I really liked it. .. 2023. 5. 17.