lose his cool
화를 내다
Biden blew his cool.
바이든은 화를 내고 말았다.
cf) 화내다 : "lose his cool", "lose his temper", "blow his top", "blow his lid","flip his lid","hit the ceiling","fly off the handle"
화를 참아내다 : keep his cool
Cool it! = Calm down! = Simmer down! : 진정하세요, 참으세요.
A : President Biden blew his cool when he was heckled during a speech.
연설 도중 고함소리로 연설을 방해당하자 바이든 대통령이 화를 내고 말았다
B : I'm not surprised. He is a human being, too.
놀라울 것도 없죠. 그도 사람인데...
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