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Business English

[비지니스 영어] Making and Receiving a Video Call | Invitation | Participant | Mute yourself

by 오픽미 😎 2024. 1. 31.

(출처 :  https://www.pexels.com/)



NOUNS (명사)

account : 계정
availability : 유효성
chat : 채팅
contact : 연락
host : 주최자
invitation : 초대
link : 연결 링크
participant : 참석자
program : 프로그램
tool : 도구


VERBS (동사)

activate : 작동시키다, 활성화시키다
admit : 인정하다, 시인하다
create : 창조하다, 만들다
join : 참석하다, 합류하다
launch : 시작하다, 착수하다, 출시하다
mute : 음소거하다 (unmute : 음소거 해제하다)
schedule : 일정을 짜다, 일정을 계획하다



secure : 안전한



promptly : 즉각적으로
properly : 제대로

Making a Video Call

  Do Do Not
Create an account

use a professional and secure email address use a personal or private email address
activate the account right away wait to activate the account
Schedule the call

use a group chat email the participants separately
confirm the availability of the participants wait too long to hear back
from the participants

Share the call link
create an invitation link and share it
before the call
create an invitation link just
before the call starts
clikc the link to make sure it works properly share the link without testing it first

Make the call
launch the calling program
a few minutes early and wait for people to join
launch the calling program exactly on time
admit the participants promptly keep the participants waiting

Use the host tools
mute yourself and others while listening allow the call to get too noisy
send files and messages as needed send unnecessary files or messages



Good Expressions



1. 우리는 멕시코에서 온 새로운 고개들과의 오후 회의가 모두 준비되었나요?

Are we prepared and ready to go for conference with new customper from Maxico this afternoon?


2. 당신은 회의에서 쓸 기기들의 세팅을 확인하셨나요?

Did you check the settings on the device in the conference room?


3. 저는 이것이 잘 작동하는지 확실하기 위해서 HR에 있는 친구에게 시험 전화를 해보았습니다.

I did a test call to my freind over in HR to make sure it's working properly(=well).

-> 여기서 Over은 "멀리 떨어진 곳에 있는" 의 느낌을 줄 수 있다.


4.회의실 B에 있는 모든 것이 설정되었고, 사무실에서 연결이 매우 잘 됩니다.

Everything in the coference room B is all set, and connection is great in an office. 

-> Everything is set up in the conference room B, which has the best connection in the office.


5. 우리는 이 전화에서 좋은 결과가 필요합니다.

We need to get a good(=positive) result(=outcome) from this call.


6. 이 분은 새 고객이어서, 토론을 조금 더 정중하게 유지하려고 노력해봅시다.

They are new clients, so let's try to be more polite in discussion.

-> This is a new client, so let's try to keep the discussion a bit(=a little) more formal.

-> This is a new client, so let's try to keep our discussion more politely.


7. 전화통화하는 동안 간단한 메모를 해주세요.

Please take brief notes during the call.

-> Make sure you take short notes during the call.



8. 회의가 끝난 후에 어떤 것도 잊어서는 안 됩니다.

We shouldn't forget(=miss) even one thing after this conference call.

-> We don't want to miss anything after conference call.




had better/shoul는 살짝 가벼운 느낌이 있음(강제성이 적음)

Appopriate expressions for specific situations


1. Late to work

- I'm sorry I was late

- It won't happen again

- This behavior cannot continue

- We expect our employees to be punctual


Be punctual -> Be right on time 시간을 엄수하는



2. A Retirement Gift

- What is our budget?

- I think we should get him a ~ 

- What sort of things does he like?

- I believe he already has one of those




Asylum [어싸일롬] : 정신병동


Shift : 미루다

-> shift my work on my wife 내 할 일을 아내에게 미루다


Bed time story : 아이를 재우기 위해 읽어주는 책

-> My kid and I had bed time together


Competent : 능숙한, 유능한, (결정) 권한이 있는

