NOUNS (명사)
atmosphere : 분위기
connection : 연결
device : 장치
display : 화면
information : 정보
result : 결과
VERBS (동사)
confirm : 확인하다
greet : 인사하다
identify : 식별하다, (명확히) 구별하다.
prepare : 준비하다
appropriate : 적합한, 적절한
available : 이용 가능한
brief : 간단한, 간략한
positive : 긍정적인
actively : 능동적으로
appropriately : 적합하게, 적절하게
clearly : 명확하게
culturally : 문화적으로
politely : 예의바르게
positively : 긍정적으로
Call Sequence
Before the call
- Consider if being more formal or more informal is appropriate.
- Prepare what you want to say.
- Send an email or message before the call if necessary.
- Have important information available.
- Check the connection, display, and settings on your device.
Beginning the call
- Identify yourself apropirately and clearly.
- Greet the other part and make some small talk (if culturally appropriate).
- Give the reason(s) for the call.
During the call
- Create a positive atmosphere.
- Communicate your objective clearly.
- Actively listen in order to make sure you understand.
- Take brief notes to refer back to after the call is finished
- Check to make sure the other side understands you.
Ending the call
- Confirm the result of the call
- End politely and positively.
- Review your notes and add appropriate details if needed.
More Formal | More Informal |
How are you today? | How's it going? |
I am calling to discuss ~ | I wanted to talk about ~ |
Could you please repeat that? | I didn't catch that. |
It has been pleasure. | Take care |
Linda : Are we prepared and ready to go for the conference call this afternoon with the new customer from Mexico?
Mark : Yes, we're all ready.
Linda : Did you check the settings on the device in the conference room?
Mark : Yes, I checked it out. I did a test call to my friend over in HR just to make sure it's working well.
Everything is set up over in conference room B, which has the best connection in the office.
Linda : Great! Thank you. We need a good result from this call.
And this is a new client, so let's try to keep the discussion a bit more formal.
Mark : OK. I'll do my best to create a positive atmosphere.
Linda : Great. Make sure you also take short notes during the call.
Mark : Right! We don't want to forget anything after it's finished.
Linda : Exactly. OK. I think we're ready. Thank you for preparing everything.
Additional Expressions
Let's have some small talk before we identify the reason for the call.
Make sure you check to see what time customer is available to take your call.
During the call, please make sure you say "please," "thank you," and politely wait for the other person to finish talking before you start to speak.
What device are you going to use to call our partner?
Do you think it's more appropriate to be formal or informal during tomorrow's discussion?
'Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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