반응형 분류 전체보기467 외국어/어학원 - 외국어 배우면서 겪는 어려움 (묘사) 외국어/어학원 - 외국어 배우면서 겪는 어려움 (묘사) Question While learning the foreign language, you may have experienced some difficulties. How did you deal with that? Please tell me about them in detail. 외국어를 배우면서 어려움을 겪는 경험도 합니다. 어떻게 극복하나요? 그 것에 대해 자세하게 말해주세요. Answer English is hard for me because I am a bit shy. I have an American teacher. His name is Jon and he is from Texas. I don't understand him sometimes b.. 2023. 4. 19. 외국어/어학원 - 요즘 듣고 있는 어학 수업 (루틴) 외국어/어학원 - 요즘 듣고 있는 어학 수업 (루틴) Question Tell me about language class you are taking these days. Where do you take the class? What do you learn in the class? 요즘 듣고 있는 어학수업에 대해 말해주세요. 어디에서 수업을 듣나요? 그곳에서 무엇을 배우나요? Answer I often go to Suwon Language School near my house. It's one of the biggest language schools in my area. I take an OPIc class there. + To tell you the truth, I am really nervous now,.. 2023. 4. 18. 외국어/어학원 - 당신이 공부하는 외국어 (묘사) 외국어/어학원 - 당신이 공부하는 외국어 (묘사) Question What is the foreign language that you study? Why are you learning the language? Tell me about your purpose in as much detail as you can. 당신이 배우고 있는 외국어는 무엇인가요 왜 그 언어를 배우고 있나요? 그 목적을 최대한 자세히 말해주세요. Answer I am learning English because I like traveling abroad. I also try to improve my English because I need to take the OPIc test. I've been studying hard. + Actu.. 2023. 4. 17. 전화 통화 - 추억에 남는 전화 통화 (경험) 전화 통화 - 추억에 남는 전화 통화 (경험) Question I'd like to know about a memorable phone conversation you've had. When was it and who were you talking to? Why was it so memorable? 당신의 기억에 남는 통화 내용에 대해 알고 싶어요. 언제였고, 누구랑 대화를 했나요? 왜 그 통화가 기억에 남나요? Answer About 2 months ago, I talked on the phone with my friend. He was in Singapore for his work. We talked on the phone until 2 a.m + We did a lot of catching up. A.. 2023. 4. 14. 전화 통화 - 보통 누구랑 언제 통화하는지? (루틴) 전화 통화 - 보통 누구랑 언제 통화하는지? (루틴) Question When do you usually chat on the phone? Where do you usually have phone conversations? 언제 보통 전화로 얘기하나요? 보통 어디서 전화를 하나요? Answer I usually chat on the phone at home on weekends. Because I'm very busy during weekdays currently. I try to make phone calls to my friends at least once a week. + If I can have more free time, I want to talk on the phone much more. Be.. 2023. 4. 13. 전화 통화 - 주로 하는 전화 통화 (루틴) 전화 통화 - 주로 하는 전화 통화 (루틴) Question You may talk on the phone with your family or friends. Who do you usually talk with on the phone? what do you usually talk about? 당신은 아마도 가족이나 친구들과 전화통화를 할꺼에요. 주로 누구랑 통화를 하나요? 보통 무슨 이야기를 해요? Answer I usually talk on the phone with my mother because it's fun. We talk about a lot of things. We usually talk about my work and our life. + Sometimes my mom nags at me... 2023. 4. 12. [선택 주제 - 조깅하기] 조깅하다가 생겼던 에피소드, 경험 조깅 - 잊지 못할 에피소드 Question Is there a particular jogging experience that stands out? Perhaps it was something unusual, enjoyable, or humorous. When and where did this experience take place and what made it particularly memorable? 특별한 조깅 경험이 있나요? 특별했거나, 즐거웠거나 아니면 웃겼던 것일 수 있습니다. 언제 어디서 벌어진 일이고, 어떤 점이 특히 인상적이었나요? Answer I remember the time when I ran into someone at the park a couple of weeks ago. ① .. 2023. 4. 11. [선택 주제 - 조깅하기] 조깅 준비하기, 조깅하면서 주로 하는 일 조깅 - 조깅 준비 절차, 조깅하면서 하는 일 Question Discuss the things you do when jogging. What steps do you take in preperation, do you jog alone or with others, what do you do while jogging? (listen to music etc) 조깅을 할 때 하는 것들을 말해보세요. 준비를 위한 절차는 무엇이고, 혼자서 조깅을 하나요, 아니면 누군가와 함께 하나요, 음악을 드는 것 등등 조깅을 할 때 어떤 것들을 하나요? Answer OK. I’m going to let you know what I usually do for jogging. To be honest, there is nothing.. 2023. 4. 10. 이전 1 ··· 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ··· 59 다음 반응형