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Business English

[비지니스 영어] Introductions Job/Department/Company | Small Talk

by 오픽미 😎 2024. 1. 24.


(출처 : https://www.pexels.com/)

Introducions and small talk

Hi, Jane. How are you?

Hello, Jane. Long time no see.

How's it going?

How are things with you?

How have you been?

Good to see you again.

(It's) nice to meet you.

How do you do?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure is (all) mine.



Talking about your job/department

What do you do?

What do you do for work?

- I'm a analysis team manager

- I work at the national company.

- I work in the failure analysis department.

- I work as an engineer.


What is you job title?

- I'm a senior/junior/principal engineer.

- I'm a technical director.


Do you work in an office?

- Yes, I work in an office.

- No, I work remotely.

- Yes, I work in an office. But I sometimes work from home.

- No, I work mostly from home.



Talking about your company

Can you tell me about your company?

- We provide technical services for our customers.

- We provide tech solutions for companies.

- We are a multinational company.

- We are a relatively new company.

- We specialize in market reaserch.

- We are known for creating innovative clothing products.



Talking about your industry

Which industry/field do you work in?

- I work in the tech field.

- I work in the accouting industry.

- I work in finance.



Sharing your contact information(business card)

- Please take my card

- Here is my card

- May I have your card?

- Let me give you my card

- Feel free to contact me anytime.

회사에서 있어날 수 있는 대화 상황


A: 실례합니다. 저는 회의 때문에 이곳에 왔습니다. 
    당신은 이 부서에서 근무하시나요?

A: Excuse me. I'm here for a meeting.

    Do you work in this department?

B: 사실, 저는 회계부서에서 일합니다.

B: Actually, I work in the accounting department

A: 오, 그렇군요. 어쨌든 만나서 반갑습니다. 
    제 이름은 Terrence Smithers입니다.

A: Oh, I see. Well, It's nice to meet you anyway.

    My name is Terrence Smithers.

B: 저도 만나서 반갑습니다. 저는 Catherine McNeil인데, Cathy라고 부르셔도 됩니다. 

    이곳에 회의 때문에 오셨다고 말씀하셨죠?

B: It's a pleasure to meet you, too. I'm Cathering McNeil, but you can call me Cathy.

    You said you're here for a meeting?

A: 맞습니다. 저는 Francisco Munez씨를 만날 예정입니다.

A: Right, I am supposed to meet with Francisco Munez.

B: 그의 사무실은 2층에 있습니다. 당신은 여기서 일하시나요?

B: His office is on the second floor. Do you work here?

A: 아니요, 저는 Fuller Medical사에서 일합니다. 
    우리는 이곳과 같은 소형 회사를 위한 보험 솔루션을 만듭니다.

A: No, I work for Fuller Medical. 

     We create unsurance solutions for small companies like this one.

B: 오, 그렇군요. 그럼, 당신 회의에서 행운을 빕니다.

B: Oh, I see. Well, good luck in your meeting



Prepositions(in, at, for..) are essential when talking about your job, company, or field.

You should follow these patterns : 


I work in + field, department

I work at/for + company (=I'm with 회사명)

I work as + job


I can't complain 그런저럭 괜찮다. (Informal 한 표현으로는 So so, Not bad 정도가 있음)


Do you mind if I ~~ 라고 의문문형태는 "내가 ~ 하면 너 신경쓰이겠니? 거슬리니?" 느낌이므로,

"난 괜찮아, 신경쓰지마 혹은 너 원하는대로 해도 괜찮아" 라고 대답하려면 "No"가 와야 함.


A : Do you mind if I call you by your first name?

B : No, not at all.


stock broker : 증권 중개인


retail business : 소매업

wholesalers : 도매업자

