롤플레이 12번 문제 모음 - 문제 상황 설명과 대안 제시하기
오픽미 : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어
오픽 시험을 대비하는 분들을 위한 스크립트 및 노하우 자료를 판매합니다.
1) 콘서트 아파서 못 가게 되어 설명
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You bought the concert tickets for today but at the last minute, you
are so sick that you can't even get out of bed. CAll your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to
your friend.
2) 신규 휴대전화 교환
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have received your new phone but the features are not what you expected. You would like to exchange it for a different phone. Call the store, explain the situation and make arrangements to get a new product.
3) 열쇠를 못 찾음, 상황 설명 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You are at your relative's house, but can't find the key to the door.
You can't get into the house. Call your relative, explain your situation and ask two to three questions to solve the problem.
4) 친구 MP3 고장, 상황 설명 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have borrowed your friend's MP3 player but broke it by accident. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives that will help solve the situation.
5) 웹사이트가 열리지 않음, 질문
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You are on a social networking site that your friend recommended
and cannot click anything on the website. Call your friend, explain your situation and ask for help.
6) 음식점 예약 취소, 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You made a reservation for an event at a restaurant, but the event
got canceled. Call your restaurant, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives.
7) 시험 때문에 친구 생일 파티 불참 설명
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have a tst coming up tomorrow and cannot make it to your friend's birthday party. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives regarding the situation.
8) 공원에 못 가게 되어 버림, 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You found out that the park you wanted to go to will be closed this
weekend for renovations. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives about what to do.
9) 날씨 때문에 해변 여행 변경 제안
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have just found out that the weather at the beach you were planning to go to is not going to be good this coming weekend. Call your friend, tell him or her about the weather and give two to three alternatives.
10) 사정이 생겨서 못 가게 된 상황, 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. Something has come up and you can't make it to your friend's house. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to solve the problem.
11) 면접(인터뷰) 못 가는 상황, 대안 제시
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. Something has come up and you can't make it to your interview. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to make arrangements for a schedule change.
12) 병원 예약 변경
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. Something has come up and you have to change your doctor's appointment. Call the doctor's office, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to deal with the situation.
13) 사정이 생겨 공항에 친구 마중 나가지 못함, 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. Something has come up and you can't pick up your friend at the airport. Call your friend, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to solve the problem.
14) 창문 깨짐, 관리 사무실에 수리 요청
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. One of the windows in your apartment is broken. Call the management office, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to fix the problem.
15) 호텔 객실이 더러움, 문제 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have checked into the hotel and gotten to your room, but the room is not cleaned up properly. Call the front desk, explain your situation and give two or three suggestions to solve the problem.
16) 가구 도착했는데 마음 들지 않음, 문제 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have received the furniture you bought, but there is something
wrong with it. Call the furniture store, explain the situation and ask for a way to get an exchange or your money back.
17) 잘못 배달된 커피 주문 실수 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have had your coffee delivered to your house. But when you got your coffee, you find out that you've got the wrong order. Call the manager of the coffee shop, explain your situation and give two or three alternatives to solve the problem.
18) 헬스클럽 마음에 들지 않아 환불 요청
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have signed up at the gym but you are not satisfied with it. Maybe the gym is not clean enough or there are too many people. Call the manager of the gym and make arrangements to get a refund.
19) 구매한 옷이 잘못됨
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You bought some clothes at a store. But, there is something wrong
with what you bought. Call the clothing store, explain the situation and ask for a way to get an exchange or your money back.
20) 영화티켓 잘못 구매, 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You found out that you purchased the wrong tickets at the theater.
Talk to the person at the box office about your situation and offer two or three suggestions to solve the problem.
21) 도서관에서 책을 빌리지 못함, 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You had to borrow a book for your paper at school, but a classmate has already borrowed the book. Call your professor, explain your situation and ask for two or three suttestions to solve the problem.
22) 비행기 티켓 취소됨, 해결
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. When you arrived at the airport, you found out that your flight was
canceled. However, all of the other flights are fully booked. Explain the situation to your travel agent and suggest two or three options.
23) 지갑 분실해서 계산 어려움, 직원에게 설명
I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You are at the bar and want to pay for your drinks. But, you suddenly find out that you lost your wallet. Explain the situation to the bartender or waiter and make suggestions to solve the problem.
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념
저자 소개 안녕하세요. 평범한 회사원12년차 '오픽미'입니다. 오늘은 제가 만든 전자책을 소개해드리려고 합니다. 저는 해외 대학 출신도 아니고, 그 흔한 어학 연수 경험도 전혀 없습니다. 순수
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 추월차선(중급편) 전자책 출시 기념 (오픽 스크립트 IM2 IM3 IH)
안녕하세요!! 오픽 AL 1타 과외 쌤 '오픽미'입니다. '오픽 추월차선(심화편)'에 이어 '오픽 추월차선(중급편)' PDF 전자책을 출시하였습니다. 이에 따라 기존 진행하던 리뷰 이벤트 기간을 연장하기
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