롤플레이 11번 문제 모음 - 주어진 상황에서 직접, 전화 질문하기
오픽미 : 네이버쇼핑 스마트스토어
오픽 시험을 대비하는 분들을 위한 스크립트 및 노하우 자료를 판매합니다.
1) 콘서트 티켓 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy tickets for a concert tonight. Call the theater and ask two or three questions about the ways to get tickets.
2) 친구에게 MP3 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to buy an MP3 player. Call your friend and ask about the MP3 player he or she uses. Ask three or four questions that will help you decide whether you want to buy the product your friend is using.
3) 친구 생일 파티 장소 문의 (바/술집)
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You have been invited to a friend's birthday party. The party will be held at a bar. Call your friend and ask three or four questions about the place that the party's being held at.
4) 호텔 예약 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to stay at a hotel on a trip. Call a hotel and ask three or four questions to find out whether you want to stay at that place.
5) 친구에게 공원 가는 것에 대한 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend wants to go to a park this weekend. Call your friend and ask him three or four questions about going to the park.
6) 영화 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are planning to watch a movie with your friend. Call the theater and ask three or four questions about the movie and getting tickets for it.
7) 신규 휴대전화 구매 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to buy a new cell phone. Call a store and ask three or four questions about a new phone you would like to purchase.
8) 가구점, 원하는 가구에 대한 직원 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are at a furniture store to buy a piece of furniture. Ask the clerk three or four questions about the furniture you would like to buy.
9) 부동산에 살 집 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to find a house to live in. Call a management office or a real estate agency and ask three or four questions about getting a gouse to li ine.
10) 커피숍 메뉴 문의, 주문 전화
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to get coffee from a new coffee shop that has opened nearby. Call the coffee shop and ask three to four questions about their menu and how to order your coffee.
11) 친구가 즐겨 쓰는 웹사이트 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend has a website that he or she likes to use. Call your friend ask three or four questions to find out whether you want to use that website.
12) 친구가 SNS 시작, 도와주려고 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend wants to use a social networking site and needs some help. Call your friend and ask three or four questions to help that friend out.
13) 가게에서 옷 구매 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are at a clothing store to buy something for your trip. Ask a clerk three or four questions about the clothes you would like to buy.
14) 도서관에서 책 빌리기
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are at a library to borrow a book. Call the librarian and ask three or four questions about the book you would like.
15) 친척이 집을 비움, 집 봐주기 위해 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. One of your relatives is going on a trip. Their house is going to be empty and you have to watch the house while they are gone. Call your relative and ask three or four questions about what you have to do.
16) 면접(인터뷰) 관련 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You are going for an interview at a company. Call the company and ask three or four questions about what you have to know for the interview.
17) 여행사 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You're planning to travel overseas. Call the travel agent and ask three or four questions to get information for your trip.
18) 음식점 예약 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You need to make a reservation at a restaurant for an event that is coming up. Call the manager at the restaurant and ask three or four questions to make arrangements for the event.
19) 병원 예약 문의
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to make an appointment to go see a doctor. Call the clinic and make arrangements to see the doctor. Ask three or four questions about our appointment.
20) 친구에게 해변 여행 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You and your friend are planning to go on a trip to the beach this weekend. Call your friend and ask three to four questions regarding the trip you are planning.
21) 외국 친구네 방문 계획에 대한 질문
I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You would like to visit a friend who lives overseas. Call your friend and ask three or four questions about the things you have to know about your visit.
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 IH/AL용 스크립트, 시험의 꿀팁 노하우를 드립니다. '오픽 추월차선' 출판 기념
저자 소개 안녕하세요. 평범한 회사원12년차 '오픽미'입니다. 오늘은 제가 만든 전자책을 소개해드리려고 합니다. 저는 해외 대학 출신도 아니고, 그 흔한 어학 연수 경험도 전혀 없습니다. 순수
[리뷰 이벤트] 오픽 추월차선(중급편) 전자책 출시 기념 (오픽 스크립트 IM2 IM3 IH)
안녕하세요!! 오픽 AL 1타 과외 쌤 '오픽미'입니다. '오픽 추월차선(심화편)'에 이어 '오픽 추월차선(중급편)' PDF 전자책을 출시하였습니다. 이에 따라 기존 진행하던 리뷰 이벤트 기간을 연장하기
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