오픽 고등급 확보를 위한 다양한 구동사, 접속사
I normally meet up with my friends after work.
I had to eat out almost everyday.
I usually go out with my kids on weekends.
I could post up some pictures on the spot.
Modern technology allows me to look up information online.
I can find out about new products.
I can get off work at 7 o'clock.
The government came up with some policies to curb housing prices.
In fact 사실상
of course 물론
for instance
for example
such as A, B, C and even(of course) D
on the other hand 다른 한편으로는
frankly speaking 솔직히 말해서
when it comes to ~에 있어서
as far as I remember 내가 기억하기로는
in the past 과거에는
when I was a kid 내가 어렸을 때는
back then 그 시절에는
that day 그날
that time 그때
off and on 종종
from time to time 때때로
all the time 항상
almost everyday 거의 매일
at least once a week 적어도 일주일에 한 번
as much as I can 최대한 많이
overall 정리하자면
once again 다시 한번 말하자면
in the end, eventually 결국에는
So, that's it. That's about it. 거기까지 입니다.
um.. uh..
I mean...
I think..
I guess...
you know..
Well, I can't think of anything right now.
I mean, I was supposed to get up early this morning.
You know, there are always people lined up at the bank.
I guess, I can get off work at 7 o'clock.
'◐ 오픽(OPIC) ◑ > 오픽 시험 A to Z' 카테고리의 다른 글
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