최근 외식 경험
Tell me about a restaurant you ate out at recently. What kind of restaurant was it? What was on their menu and what did you eat? Who did you go with? Did you like how the food tasted? Give me all the details.
최근에 외식했던 식당에 관해서 말해줘. 어떤 종류의 식당이었어? 그 식당에서 제공하는 메뉴는 뭐였고, 너는 뭘 먹었어? 누구와 함께 갔어? 음식 맛은 어땠어? 자세하게 말해줘.
The last time I had a pizza was at place in Itaewon with my friends.
It took about 30 minutes to get there from where I live.
There was a restaurant I always wanted to try because they received good reviews form their customers.
When we walked into the restaurant, it was full of people.
After putting my name on the list and waited for 20 minutes, we were to be seated.
We ordered one potato pizza, a seafood pasta, and even(of course) a chicken tender salad.
Overall, the food was great, probably because we were all very hungry.
However, there were a few things that we didn't like.
The restaurant was quite small, and they didn't have many tables.(Because of its popularity, it was full of people.)
We had to wait about 20 minutes to be seated and then another 30 minutes for our food to be served.
That's it.
Overall, I had a really great time at the restaurant with my friends.
지난 번에 친구들과 함께 피자를 먹었던 건 이태원에 한 곳이었어.
거기는 내가 사는 곳에서 30분 정도 거리에 있는 곳이었어.
고객들 후기가 엄청 좋아서 언젠가 한번 꼭 가보고 싶었던 식당이었어.
가게로 들어갔더니, 사람들로 꽉 차있었어.
대기자 명단에 이름을 올리고, 자리에 앉기까지는 20분 정도 기다렸어.
우리는 포테이토 피자랑 해산물 파스타, 그리고 치킨 텐더 샐러드를 주문했어.
우리가 워낙 배가 고파서 그랬는지 전반적으로 음식은 맛있었어.
하지만 몇 가지 마음에 들지 않는 부분들도 있었어.
음식이 매우 좁았고, 테이블 갯수도 너무 적었어. (인기가 많아서 인지 사람들이 너무 많았어.)
자리에 앉기 위해서 20분을 기다렸는데 음식이 나오는데 까지 추가로 30분을 더 기다려야 했었어.
뭐 이게 다야.
전반적으로는, 친구들이랑 그 식당에서 좋은 시간을 보냈었던 것 같애.
** That's it / That's all 은 가장 간단하게 답변을 마무리 지을 수 있는 표현
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