반응형 〓 IL, IM 〓/[공통 주제] (IL~IM) 오픽 스크립트39 날씨 - 우리 나라의 날씨 (묘사) 날씨 - 우리 나라의 날씨 (묘사) Question Can you tell me about the seasons in your country? What's the weather like in each season? 당신의 나라는 계절이 어떤지 말해주세요. 각각 계절의 날씨는 어떤가요? Answer We have four distinct seasons in Korea such as spring, summer, fall and winter.In spring, it's warm and nice.In summer, It's hot and humid.In winter, it's cold and dry + Among them, my favorite is fall. In fall, it's a bit chilly a.. 2023. 5. 19. 인터넷 - 인터넷의 과거와 현재 (비교) 인터넷 - 인터넷의 과거와 현재 (비교) Question Please compare the Internet between the past and the present. Which things have changed over the times? 인터넷의 옛날과 지금을 비교해 보세요. 지난 시간동안 어떤 것들이 바뀌었나요? Answer When I was young, there were not many kinds of websites. But now, there are many kinds of them. So I can do many things through the Internet. In Korea, there are a lot of websites such as game websites and shopp.. 2023. 5. 18. 인터넷 - 처음으로 인터넷 사용했던 것 (경험) 인터넷 - 처음으로 인터넷 사용했던 것 (경험) Question When did you first use the Internet? What did you do at that time? What was your first impression while surfing the Internet? 언제 처음으로 인터넷을 사용했나요? 그 당시엔 무엇을 했나요? 인터넷을 처음 사용해보고 어떤 인상을 받았나요? Answer It was a long time ago.I don't remember much. But I think I first used the Internet when I was 10 or 11 at my friend's house. It was very slow, but I really liked it. .. 2023. 5. 17. 인터넷 - 당신이 자주 방문하는 웹사이트 (묘사) 인터넷 - 당신이 자주 방문하는 웹사이트 (묘사) Question What is a website you often visit? How often do you use that website? 자주 방문하는 웹사이트가 무엇인가요? 얼마나 자주 그 웹사이트를 방문하나요? Answer I always use Naver. It's one of the biggest web portals in Korea. I usually do online shopping. Sometimes I read the news + I can do so many kinds of things using Naver website. A lot of people have their blogs on Naver platform. They post s.. 2023. 5. 16. 대중교통 - 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움 (경험) 대중교통 - 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움 (경험) Question Sometimes riding the subway or bus can be uncomfortable. Have you ever had any problems while taking public transportation? 가끔씩은 전철이나 버스 타는 것이 불편할 수 있어요. 대중교통을 이용하면서 겪었던 어려움이 있나요? Answer It was long time ago. I don't remember much. I took a bus in SEOUL. I think the bus driver was driving so fast that the bus had an accident. Luckily no one got hurt becau.. 2023. 5. 2. 대중교통 - 교통 수단의 과거와 현재 (비교) 대중교통 - 교통 수단의 과거와 현재 (비교) Question Transportation systems have been improved. Have there been any changes to the transportation system in your country since you were young? 교통 시스템은 발전해 왔지요. 당신의 나라에서 당신이 어렸을 때부터 어떤 대중교통의 변화가 있었나요? Answer When I was young, there were not many kinds of transportation in Korea. There were a few buses, trains or subways. But now, there are many kinds. You can see nig.. 2023. 5. 1. 대중교통 - 우리 나라의 대중교통 (묘사) 대중교통 - 우리 나라의 대중교통 (묘사) Question What is public transportation like in your country? Tell me which type of public transportation you prefer to use and why. 당신의 나라에서 대중교통은 어떤가요? 대중교통 중 어떤 것을 선호하고 그 이유가 무엇인지 말해주세요. Answer There are many types of transportation in Korea. You can see buses, trains, taxis and subway. I usually take buses because they are cheap. + We have a very good transportation sy.. 2023. 4. 28. 명절/휴일 - 어릴 적 가장 기억에 남는 명절 (경험) 명절/휴일 - 어릴 적 가장 기억에 남는 명절 (경험) Question Tell me about the most memorable holiday you had when you were a child. What happend? Why is it so memorable to you? 당신이 어렸을 때 가장 추억에 남는 명절(휴일)에 대해 말해주세요. 무슨 일이 있었나요? 왜 그 명절이 기억에 남나요? Answer When I was little, I loved Lunar New Year. I saw all my cousins at my grandma's house. We got all together and gave some gifts each other. And, we palyed some games. +.. 2023. 4. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 반응형